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The Journal

The Journal

What Are The Best Corporate Gifts for Employees

Typically, the gifts express gratitude for services or company. Corporate gifts for employees, suppliers, or vendors are examples of services,...

Leather Onboarding Gifts

With onboarding gifts, you can extend a warm welcome to new team members. The greatest way to express "welcome to...

Why Corporate Gifts Are Important

Gift-giving is significant in most business cultures. The underlying rationale for gift-giving is the same whether you are attempting to...

Cool Backpacks For Men

We are constantly on the lookout for a backpack that will meet our requirements. A dependable bag that, aside from...

Corporate Gifting Guide

The present should undoubtedly express your concern, but it should also match with the receiver's best interests and philosophy. Corporate...

Can you wash leather bags?

Can you machine wash leather?Washing leather bags?Can you wash leather bags? I used to think so, until I read the...

Does Leather Breathe?

When you buy one of our Steel Horse Leather Co. Bags, you're getting high-quality leather that keeps its natural pores...

Grades Of Leather

Understanding the differences between the five varieties of leather can assist you in making the best purchase decision, whether you...

How To Clean Suede

Suede is technically described as a napped – velvety-textured – leather made from the underside of an animal's skin.It's important...