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Unique Company Swag: Elevate Your Brand With Distinctive Merchandise

Unique Company Swag: Elevate Your Brand With Distinctive Merchandise

Tired of bland, cookie-cutter swag? Look no further than Steel Horse Leather. We specialize in unique, distinctive merchandise that will take your brand to the next level. Our high-quality leather bags, backpacks, and accessories exude elegance and sophistication, setting you apart from the competition. Imagine your employees and clients proudly sporting our stylish items, adorned with your logo. With Steel Horse Leather, your swag will make a lasting impression, leaving a positive impact on your target audience. Elevate your brand with our distinctive merchandise today.

What is a Company Swag?

Looking to elevate your brand and make a lasting impression? Company swag is the answer. It's the unique and distinctive merchandise that represents your brand and leaves a lasting impression on your customers and employees. With custom branded items like apparel, accessories, and gadgets, you can showcase your company's personality and values, while creating a sense of belonging and loyalty among your audience.

Importance of Unique Company Swag

Do you realize the impact that unique company swag can have on your brand's visibility and recognition? It's not just about giving away free merchandise; it's about creating a lasting impression that sets your brand apart from the competition. Unique company swag has the power to elevate your brand and make it memorable in the minds of your customers. When you provide distinctive merchandise that reflects your brand's identity and values, you create a sense of exclusivity and authenticity. This builds loyalty and encourages customers to become brand ambassadors, spreading the word about your company to their networks. So don't underestimate the importance of investing in unique company swag. It's a strategic move that can make a significant impact on your brand's success and growth.

Why Unique Company Swag Matters

When it comes to company swag, uniqueness matters. In a crowded market, standing out is essential for capturing attention and making a lasting impression. By offering distinctive merchandise, you can differentiate your brand, boost employee morale, and foster a sense of belonging among your team.

Differentiating Your Brand

To make your brand stand out, consider incorporating distinctive merchandise, like our high-quality leather bags, backpacks, briefcases, and accessories. These unique company swag items will not only elevate your brand but also differentiate it from others in the market. Imagine your employees and clients proudly sporting your brand's logo on a stylish leather bag or rocking a sleek briefcase at meetings. This not only creates a sense of unity but also leaves a lasting impression on those who come into contact with your brand. Our distinctive merchandise serves as a constant reminder of your brand's values and commitment to excellence. So, don't settle for generic corporate swag ideas. Invest in the power of distinctive merchandise to truly differentiate your brand and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Standing Out in a Crowded Market

You can effectively stand out in a crowded market by incorporating unique company swag into your branding strategy. In a world where competition is fierce, it's crucial to find ways to differentiate yourself from the crowd. By offering distinctive merchandise that captures the essence of your brand, you not only create a lasting impression but also elevate your brand to new heights. Imagine your customers proudly displaying your unique company swag, sparking conversations and generating curiosity. This not only increases brand visibility but also fosters a sense of loyalty among your customers. In a crowded market, it's essential to find innovative ways to stand out, and incorporating unique company swag into your branding strategy is a powerful tool to achieve that. So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and watch your brand soar above the competition.

Memorable Impressions

By offering unique company swag, you can elevate your brand and create memorable impressions that set you apart from the competition. Distinctive merchandise not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impact on your target audience. Imagine giving away custom leather bags or personalized accessories as corporate gifts. These items not only showcase your brand's attention to detail but also become a symbol of quality and sophistication. When recipients use your distinctive merchandise in their daily lives, they become walking advertisements for your brand, spreading awareness and generating curiosity. This strategy not only reinforces your brand image but also creates a sense of exclusivity, making your customers feel special and connected to your company. So, don't settle for ordinary giveaways; choose unique company swag to make memorable impressions and elevate your brand to new heights.

Boosting Employee Morale

Offering unique company swag can significantly boost employee morale and create a sense of unity among your team. Imagine the excitement and pride that will fill the room when your employees receive customized tote bags, reusable water bottles, eco-friendly products, coffee mugs, and desk accessories. These carefully selected items will not only serve as useful tools in their daily lives, but also as symbols of belonging to a team that values their contribution. By providing high-quality, distinctive merchandise, you show your employees that you care about their well-being and appreciate their hard work. This thoughtful gesture not only enhances their motivation and productivity, but also fosters a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and supported. So go ahead, invest in unique company swag and watch as your team's morale soars to new heights.

Fostering a Sense of Belonging

Investing in distinctive company swag can foster a strong sense of belonging and unity among your team. Imagine the impact of custom swag boxes filled with high-quality swag items, tailored to reflect your company's unique identity. These corporate swag pieces become more than just material possessions; they become symbols of pride and camaraderie. When your employees receive these personalized gifts, they feel valued and connected to the larger mission of your organization. The power of employee swag lies in its ability to create a shared experience, a sense of belonging that transcends physical boundaries. By providing your team with company swag that is both distinctive and meaningful, you are not only boosting morale but also cultivating a culture of unity and freedom, where individuals feel empowered and united in their pursuit of success. So, why wait? Elevate your brand and foster a strong sense of belonging with unique company swag today.

Recognizing Employee Contributions

When it comes to recognizing employee contributions, now is the time to show appreciation and celebrate their hard work with unique company swag. It's not just about a simple "thank you" anymore; it's about going the extra mile to make your employees feel valued and motivated. So, why not consider giving them a promotional item that reflects your company's culture and their individual achievements?

When it comes to company swag ideas, the options are endless. From custom swag items like personalized water bottles or branded notebooks to popular swag items like logoed t-shirts or stylish tote bags, there's something for everyone. The key is to choose an executive gift that not only showcases your brand but also resonates with your employees' interests and preferences.

Strengthening Client and Customer Relationships

You can strengthen client and customer relationships by providing unique company swag that showcases your brand's identity. Promotional products have long been a successful marketing strategy, but in today's competitive landscape, it's crucial to differentiate yourself from the crowd. By offering distinctive merchandise, you not only create a lasting impression on your customers but also foster customer loyalty. These items serve as a constant reminder of your brand and the positive experiences associated with it. Moreover, when your customers use or wear your swag, it becomes a conversation starter, opening up opportunities for them to share their positive experiences with potential customers. In addition, incorporating unique merchandise into your marketing gifting programs allows you to tailor your gifts to the preferences and interests of your gift recipients, further deepening the connection between your brand and its customers. So, don't miss the chance to elevate your brand and strengthen those important relationships through the power of unique company swag.

Creating a Positive Brand Image

If you want to create a positive brand image, it's essential to showcase your brand's identity through unique company swag. By offering distinctive merchandise, you not only stand out from the competition but also leave a lasting impression on your target audience. Whether it's custom-branded apparel, innovative tech gadgets, or eco-friendly accessories, your corporate swag items should reflect the values and personality of your brand. Look for branded swag vendors that can provide high-quality products that align with your brand image. Remember, your swag should not only be functional but also visually appealing and unique. By investing in unique company swag, you demonstrate your commitment to excellence and create a sense of loyalty among your customers. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and elevate your brand with distinctive merchandise. Your brand image deserves nothing less.

Building Long-term Loyalty

To build long-term loyalty, it's crucial for your brand to invest in unique company swag that resonates with your customers and fosters a sense of connection. Corporate swag is more than just a promotional item; it's an opportunity to showcase your brand's personality and values. When you give your customers swag gifts that are practical and thoughtful, you not only create a positive brand image but also leave a lasting impression. Imagine your customers using your branded water bottles at the gym or rocking your logo on a stylish tote bag. Not only does this increase brand visibility, but it also creates a sense of belonging and loyalty. The benefits of company swag go beyond just marketing; it's about forging a genuine connection with your customers and creating a brand that they want to support. So invest in unique company swag and watch your brand loyalty soar.

Types of Unique Company Swag

Looking to make a lasting impression with your company swag? Consider custom apparel and accessories that showcase your brand's unique style. Branded lifestyle accessories, like water bottles or tote bags, can elevate your employees' everyday lives while promoting your business. Don't forget to explore innovative tech gadgets, personalized office supplies, and eco-friendly options to truly stand out from the competition.

Custom Apparel and Accessories

Imagine your logo beautifully embossed on a leather messenger bag or engraved on a sleek leather wallet. Not only will your brand stand out, but you'll also be providing your customers with high-quality, functional items they can use every day. Whether you're looking to impress clients with a thoughtful gift or create a cohesive look for your team, our custom apparel and accessories will help you achieve your goals. Choose Steel Horse Leather for distinctive merchandise that represents your brand with style and sophistication.

Branded Lifestyle Accessories

Enhance your brand's image with stylish branded lifestyle accessories, including leather phone cases, engraved keychains, and sleek travel tumblers. Elevate your brand to new heights by offering your customers unique and distinctive merchandise that reflects their individuality. Our canvas tote bags not only provide a practical solution for carrying everyday essentials but also serve as a fashionable statement piece. Keep your phone safe and secure with sleek phone wallets, designed with both style and functionality in mind. For the frequent traveler, our passport wallet organizer is a must-have accessory, offering convenience and organization. And for those who prioritize sustainability, our eco-friendly items, such as reusable water bottles and bamboo coffee mugs, allow them to make a positive impact on the environment while showcasing your brand. Don't forget about our furry friends - our pet accessories are both practical and stylish, ensuring that even their loyal companions can represent your brand. Elevate your brand's image with our distinctive branded lifestyle accessories today.

Innovative Tech Gadgets

Get your hands on the latest innovative tech gadgets to elevate your brand's image and impress your customers. In today's fast-paced world, technology plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and connectivity. For your remote employees, providing them with cutting-edge tech gadgets not only boosts their efficiency but also showcases your commitment to their success. When it comes to corporate swag, it's important to think outside the box and offer cool company swag ideas that align with your brand's values. Consider eco-friendly swag options that promote sustainability and show your dedication to the environment. To find the perfect business swag vendors, look for those who prioritize quality, reliability, and customization. By investing in innovative tech gadgets as part of your company swag, you demonstrate your forward-thinking approach and create a lasting impression on your customers.

Personalized Office Supplies

You can always find personalized office supplies and unique company swag at Steel Horse Leather, whether it's for daily use or special occasions. Our distinctive merchandise is designed to elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression. Imagine your logo beautifully embossed on leather journals, notebooks, or desk organizers. These personalized office supplies not only make a statement, but they also serve as practical items that your employees and clients will appreciate. Whether you're looking for a corporate swag item to distribute at events or a practical item to enhance your office decor, we have you covered. Our high-quality leather products are crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that your brand is represented with elegance and sophistication. 

Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Swag

Looking for a distinctive way to showcase your brand while also being environmentally conscious? Steel Horse Leather has got you covered. Our range of eco-friendly and sustainable swag options is designed to make a lasting impression while minimizing your impact on the planet. From leather bags and backpacks to briefcases and accessories, each product is meticulously crafted using ethically sourced materials and environmentally friendly production methods. Our commitment to sustainability goes beyond just the materials we use; we also prioritize fair labor practices and support local artisans. Stand out from the crowd with our unique and stylish swag that not only represents your brand but also aligns with your values. Choose Steel Horse Leather for eco-friendly and sustainable swag that makes a statement.

Designing and Customizing Unique Swag

When it comes to designing and customizing unique swag for your company, it's crucial to understand your brand's identity and what sets you apart from the competition. By choosing the right colors, fonts, and graphics, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing design that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, incorporating your company values and messaging into your swag not only showcases your brand's personality, but also helps to establish a deeper connection with your customers. To ensure the best results, collaborating with design professionals can bring fresh perspectives and expertise to the table, elevating your swag to new heights.

Understanding Your Brand's Identity

We need to understand our brand's identity in order to design and customize unique swag that truly represents Steel Horse Leather. Your brand's identity is the essence of who you are and what you stand for. It is what sets you apart from the competition and resonates with your target audience. By understanding your brand's identity, you can create distinctive merchandise that not only elevates your brand but also connects with your customers on a deeper level. Imagine the impact of having unique company swag that reflects the rugged elegance and timeless craftsmanship of Steel Horse Leather. It not only serves as a reminder of your brand but also becomes a statement of individuality and freedom. So take the time to understand your brand's identity, and let it guide you in designing swag that truly represents the essence of Steel Horse Leather.

Choosing Colors, Fonts, and Graphics

You can enhance the appeal of your unique company swag by carefully selecting colors, fonts, and graphics that reflect the rugged elegance and timeless craftsmanship of Steel Horse Leather. When choosing colors for your merchandise, consider earthy tones like deep browns and rich blacks that evoke a sense of strength and durability. Fonts should be bold and masculine, conveying the robustness of our leather products. And when it comes to graphics, think about incorporating elements such as gears, motorcycles, or other symbols of adventure to align with our brand's identity. By following these guidelines, you'll create a cohesive and compelling look for your company swag that will resonate with your audience. Whether you're using it for the onboarding process or as part of your corporate gifting platform, our wide variety of merchandise allows you to find the perfect fit for your brand. So don't settle for ordinary swag - choose Steel Horse Leather and make a statement with your unique company merchandise.

Incorporating Company Values and Messaging

To truly align your unique company swag with your brand's identity, consider incorporating our core values of craftsmanship and adventure into the design and messaging, ensuring that every piece tells a story and resonates with your audience. By infusing your company values and messaging into your merchandise, you elevate your brand and create a lasting impression on your customers. Imagine the impact of a leather bag that not only showcases your logo but also embodies the values of quality, authenticity, and exploration. Your audience will feel a deep connection to your brand, knowing that every item they own reflects their own desire for freedom and adventure. Let your company swag become a symbol of your brand's identity, a testament to the values that drive your business forward. Together, we can create distinctive merchandise that truly represents your unique brand.

Collaborating with Design Professionals

Consider partnering with experienced design professionals to create one-of-a-kind swag that showcases your brand's personality and captures the attention of your target audience. Elevate your brand with distinctive merchandise that sets you apart from the competition. Collaborating with design professionals allows you to tap into their expertise and creativity, ensuring that your swag is not only unique but also aligned with your brand's vision. These professionals have the skills to translate your brand's essence into tangible items that resonate with your audience. By working together, you can create swag that not only represents your brand but also leaves a lasting impression on recipients. So, why settle for generic promotional products when you can have custom-made swag that truly speaks to your brand's values and identity? Start collaborating with design professionals today and elevate your brand to new heights.

Sourcing and Budgeting for Unique Swag

When it comes to sourcing and budgeting for unique swag, you need to be strategic. Consider allocating your budget wisely, focusing on items that will make the biggest impact on your brand. Decide between bulk ordering for cost efficiency or limited editions for exclusivity, and always prioritize quality and ethical sourcing to align with your brand values.

Budget Allocation Tips

Make sure you prioritize allocating your budget effectively for sourcing and budgeting unique swag. When it comes to gifts for employees, swag for employees, and finding the perfect company gift, it's all about making a statement. Your company deserves to stand out and be remembered, so why settle for generic merchandise? By strategically allocating your budget, you can invest in unique company swag that will elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression. Consider focusing on quality over quantity, choosing items that are not only useful but also reflect your company's values and personality. Whether it's custom-designed apparel, eco-friendly accessories, or innovative tech gadgets, be bold and think outside the box. With the right budget allocation tips, you can create a memorable experience for your employees and show them how much you appreciate their hard work.

Bulk Ordering vs. Limited Editions

If you want to ensure that your company stands out and creates a sense of exclusivity, opting for limited editions rather than bulk ordering can be a smart choice. Imagine the impact of unique company swag that is only available to a select few. By offering limited edition items for employees, such as swag kits or onboarding kits, you not only create a sense of belonging but also give your team something special to show off. Bulk ordering may seem practical, but it lacks the personal touch that limited editions provide. With limited editions, you have the power to create a buzz, generate excitement, and make your brand truly stand out. So why settle for ordinary when you can create extraordinary? Choose limited editions and let your company's uniqueness shine.

Ensuring Quality and Ethical Sourcing

To ensure quality and ethical sourcing for your unique swag, consider researching suppliers and closely examining their manufacturing practices. As a business owner, it's crucial to prioritize the well-being of both your employees and the planet. By choosing suppliers that prioritize ethical sourcing, you can ensure that your company swag aligns with your values.

When researching potential suppliers, look for those who prioritize sustainability and fair trade practices. Avoid suppliers that use disposable products or engage in unethical labor practices. Instead, choose suppliers that offer eco-friendly alternatives and prioritize the well-being of their workers.

Not only will ethical sourcing enhance your brand's reputation, but it will also make your employees feel valued. By gifting them with high-quality, ethically sourced swag, you show that you care about their well-being and the impact your business has on the world.

Investing in unique and ethically sourced company swag is a strategic move that elevates your brand and sets you apart from the competition. So take the time to research and choose suppliers that share your commitment to quality and ethics. Your employees and the planet will thank you.

Distributing and Maximizing Impact

When it comes to distributing your unique swag, you want to make sure it lands in the hands of the right people. Employee distribution strategies can include rewarding top performers or using swag as incentives for team goals. Gifting your clients and customers with branded merchandise not only shows appreciation but also serves as a constant reminder of your brand. And don't forget about the impact of event and trade show giveaways, where you have the opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential customers.

Employee Distribution Strategies

As you distribute the unique company swag to employees, ensure that you maximize its impact through effective employee distribution strategies. Remember, the goal is to create a lasting impression and promote your brand. One idea is to make the swag a personalized gift by adding a personal touch. Consider including the employee's name or a customized message, making them feel valued and appreciated. Another strategy is to focus on practicality. Coffee swag, for example, is a gift idea that most employees will appreciate. A piece of swag that they can use daily will not only remind them of your company but also serve as a constant advertisement. Lastly, aim for awesome swag that stands out. Unique and eye-catching items are more likely to generate conversations and create a buzz around your brand. By implementing these employee distribution strategies, you can ensure that your company swag makes a significant impact and elevates your brand in the minds of your employees and beyond.

Client and Customer Gifting

Make sure you consider the preferences and interests of your clients and customers when selecting and distributing personalized gifts that will leave a lasting impression. It's crucial to make them feel valued and appreciated, as this will strengthen your relationship and foster loyalty. When choosing gifts, think outside the box and opt for unique items that align with their lifestyle. For the fitness enthusiast, a high-quality water bottle and jump ropes can be a great choice. For the coffee lover, a coffee kit with premium beans and accessories will surely delight. And for the busy professional, an ergonomic office chair can enhance their workspace and productivity. Remember, the key is to personalize the gifts to recipients, showing that you truly understand and care about their individual needs and interests. So, go ahead and make a lasting impact by selecting thoughtful gifts that reflect the freedom and uniqueness of your brand.

Event and Trade Show Giveaways

You can attract more potential customers and increase brand exposure by strategically distributing and promoting your event and trade show giveaways. In today's fast-paced world, busy professionals are always on the go, and they appreciate practical and useful items that can make their lives easier. Consider offering branded lip balm, a must-have for anyone, especially during harsh weather conditions. Another great option could be a gym membership giveaway, appealing to health-conscious individuals who prioritize self-care. And don't forget about your employees! A thoughtful gift for employees, such as a cell phone accessory, not only shows appreciation but also serves as a constant reminder of your brand. By choosing giveaways that resonate with your target audience, you can create a lasting impression and ensure that your brand stays top of mind long after the event has ended.

Steel Horse Leather: The Best Company for Unique Swags

Looking for unique swags to elevate your brand? Look no further than Steel Horse Leather. With our expert craftsmanship and customizable options, we are the best company for corporate logo personalization. Our simple process ensures that you'll receive high-quality, handcrafted products that are ready for gifting.

Corporate Logo Personalization

Customize your leather corporate gift with a personalized logo lasering. Make an impact with your employees by giving them a unique and personalized gift that showcases your company's brand. Steel Horse Leather, the gifting expert, offers ample opportunity for you to create a lasting impression. Personalize leather bags, backpacks, briefcases, and accessories with custom logo lasering. With a flawless burn and clean finish, laser engraving ensures a professional and distinguished look. Show your appreciation to your team with a gift that is not only functional, but also represents your company's values. Steel Horse Leather's customer service experts will guide you through the process, making it easy and hassle-free. Don't miss out on the chance to elevate your brand with distinctive merchandise. Explore the possibilities and let your creativity shine.

Our Simple Process

Get started on your order today by selecting from our wide range of customizable leather products and experience our simple process. At Steel Horse Leather, we understand the importance of simplicity and efficiency when it comes to ordering corporate gifts. That's why we have streamlined our process to make it as easy as possible for you. From choosing the perfect product to adding your custom logo or monogram, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. With our expert customer service and high-quality craftsmanship, you can trust that your order will be handled with care and precision. So why wait? Elevate your brand with our distinctive merchandise and enjoy the freedom of a hassle-free ordering experience.

The 5 Best Unique Swags in the Market

Looking to elevate your brand with distinctive merchandise that sets you apart from the competition? Look no further than the 5 best unique swags in the market: The Welch Briefcase, The Bjarke Weekender, The Colden Duffle Bag, The Vernon Backpack, and The Langley Backpack. These exceptional pieces not only showcase your style and sophistication, but also provide practicality and durability for the modern professional. Upgrade your company's swag game and make a lasting impression with these top-notch options.

The Welch Briefcase

You can elevate your brand with the distinctive and mature style of The Welch Briefcase, making it one of the best unique swags in the market. This sleek and efficient combination of a shoulder bag and briefcase is the perfect companion for the modern professional. Crafted from high-quality crazy horse leather, The Welch Briefcase exudes class and sophistication, suitable for any occasion. With its sturdy construction, it can securely carry your gadgets and laptops up to 14 inches, ensuring that your valuable belongings are protected.

The Welch Briefcase is not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional. It features multiple compartments and pencil holders, allowing you to organize your essentials with ease. The leather-lined comfortable grab handle ensures a comfortable and stylish carrying experience, while the ergonomically-designed adjustable straps distribute the weight evenly, reducing strain on your shoulders. You have the option to choose between the grab handle and adjustable shoulder straps, providing flexibility in how you carry your belongings.

Product Specs:

  • Made of high-quality crazy horse leather
  • Dimensions: 16.5 x 12 x 3.5 (42cm x 30cm x 9cm)
  • Weight: 3.7 lbs (1.7 kg)
  • Shoulder strap: 53.1' (135cm)


  • Distinctive and mature style
  • Sturdy and made of high-quality leather
  • Can securely carry gadgets and laptops up to 14 inches
  • Multiple compartments and pencil holders for organization
  • Comfortable grab handle and adjustable shoulder straps


  • May be on the heavier side at 3.7 lbs (1.7 kg)
  • Limited color options available
  • May require regular maintenance to maintain its appearance

The Bjarke Weekender

Experience the versatility and sophistication of The Bjarke Weekender, one of the top unique swags available in the market. This handcrafted leather duffle bag is the perfect companion for your weekend getaways or business trips. With its subtle design of overlaid quality leather and stitched leather bars, The Bjarke Weekender exudes a sense of timeless elegance and style. Its durable and sturdy construction ensures the safe transportation of all your valuable items, and its large main compartment provides ample storage space. The bag also includes a 14' laptop storage sleeve, making it ideal for professionals on the go. The soft leather handles offer comfortable carrying, while the high-quality crazy horse leather adds a touch of sophistication.

Product Specs:

  • Dimensions: 23.6 x 11.8 x 11.8 (60cm x 30cm x 30cm)
  • Weight: 5.3 lbs (2.4 kg)
  • Shoulder strap length: 57' (145cm)
  • Interior: 1 large main compartment, 1 zipped pocket, 3 open object pockets


  • Unique design with overlaid leather and stitched leather bars
  • Durable and sturdy for safe transportation
  • Includes a 14' laptop storage sleeve
  • Large main compartment for ample storage
  • Soft leather handles for comfortable carrying
  • Made of high-quality crazy horse leather


  • Relatively heavy at 5.3 lbs (2.4 kg)
  • Shipping times can vary, ranging from 3-30 business days depending on the destination
  • Returns accepted within 30 days, with certain conditions

The Colden Duffle Bag

Check out The Colden Duffle Bag, one of the top unique swags in the market, for a stylish and versatile travel companion. This bag is not just any ordinary duffle bag; it's a statement piece that will elevate your style and set you apart from the crowd. With its central compartment of ample size and thoughtfully-placed pockets, you'll have easy access to all your essentials while on the go. The smooth zipper adds an elegant touch, while the exterior made from durable crazy horse leather ensures longevity. The soft cotton lining adds a luxurious feel to the bag.

The Colden Duffle Bag is made of high-quality crazy horse leather, which gives it a retro, vintage appearance. The more you use it, the better it looks, making it a unique piece that reflects your individuality. This leather is highly resistant to water and other liquids, making it an ideal choice for a travel bag. The bag also offers multiple carrying options, with soft leather handles for comfortable transportation and an adjustable shoulder strap made of the same material. Whether you prefer to carry it by the top leather grab handle or with the removable shoulder strap, the choice is yours.

Product Specs:

  • Material: High-quality crazy horse leather
  • Dimensions: 23.6 x 10 x 7 (60cm x 29cm x 25cm)
  • Weight: 3.5 lbs (1.6 kg)
  • Carrying Options: Soft leather handles and adjustable shoulder strap


  • Stylish and versatile travel companion
  • Ample storage space and thoughtfully-placed pockets
  • Durable and water-resistant crazy horse leather exterior
  • Soft cotton lining for a luxurious feel
  • Multiple carrying options for convenience


  • The vintage appearance may not appeal to everyone's taste
  • The weight of the bag may be a bit heavy for some
  • Shipping times may vary depending on the destination.

The Vernon Backpack

Grab the attention of others with the stylish and distinctive Vernon Backpack, one of the top unique swags in the market. This backpack not only adds a touch of freedom and individuality to your style but also provides the functionality and durability you need for your daily adventures. The roomy main compartment can comfortably fit a 15' laptop, while the exterior pocket allows for quick and easy access to your essentials. The even weight distribution ensures comfortable carrying, whether you choose to use the grab handle or adjustable shoulder straps. Made of high-quality crazy horse leather, the Vernon Backpack is built to last.

Product Specs:

  • Roomy main compartment for a 15' laptop
  • Exterior pocket for quick and easy access
  • Even weight distribution for comfortable carrying
  • Made of high-quality crazy horse leather
  • Two carrying options: grab handle and adjustable shoulder straps
  • Dimensions: 16.9 x 11.8 x 5.1 (43x 30cm x 13cm)
  • Weight: 3.3 pounds (1.7 kg)


  • Stylish and distinctive design
  • High-quality and durable materials
  • Comfortable carrying options
  • Roomy main compartment for a laptop
  • Quick and easy access to essentials


  • Slightly heavier compared to other backpacks
  • Limited color options available
  • May require additional care and maintenance for the leather material

The Langley Backpack

Carry your essentials in style and durability with The Langley Backpack, crafted from high-quality crazy horse leather. This backpack is not just an accessory, it is a statement of freedom and individuality. With its unique vintage appearance, it sets you apart from the crowd and adds a touch of sophistication to your everyday look. The Langley Backpack is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also highly functional. Its spacious interior and multiple pockets allow you to organize your belongings effortlessly. Whether you're a student, professional, or adventurer, this backpack is designed to meet your needs. Embrace the freedom to express yourself and elevate your style with The Langley Backpack.

Product Specs:

  • Made from high-quality crazy horse leather
  • Dimensions: 13L x 16.5H x 5.9W / (33cm x 42cm x 15cm)
  • Weight: 3.3 lbs (1.5 kg)
  • Capacity: 20-35 liters
  • Exterior: Front zippered pocket for smaller items, 2 exterior side pockets, and 1 zippered back pocket


  • Durable and strong, perfect for daily use
  • Highly resistant to water and other liquids, protecting your belongings
  • Develops a unique antique and vintage appearance over time
  • Spacious interior and multiple pockets for easy organization
  • Adds a touch of sophistication to your style


  • Slightly heavier compared to other backpacks
  • Requires occasional maintenance to preserve its unique look
  • Initial color may rub off on light-colored clothing if not properly cared for.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Provide Examples of Unique Company Swag That Steel Horse Leather Offers?

Sure, we can provide you with unique company swag that will elevate your brand. At Steel Horse Leather, we offer a range of distinctive merchandise, including leather bags, backpacks, briefcases, and accessories. Our products are crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail, ensuring that they not only showcase your brand but also leave a lasting impression on your customers. Elevate your brand with our unique company swag today.

How Can Unique Company Swag Help Elevate a Brand's Image and Reputation?

Unique company swag can truly enhance your brand's image and reputation. By offering distinctive merchandise, you not only set yourself apart from the competition but also demonstrate your commitment to quality and creativity. This unique swag acts as a powerful marketing tool, fostering brand loyalty and attracting new customers. It adds depth and complexity to your brand identity, making it more memorable and desirable. Elevate your brand with our exceptional merchandise and watch your reputation soar.

What Factors Should Be Considered When Designing and Customizing Unique Swag?

When designing and customizing unique swag, there are several factors to consider. First, think about your target audience and what will resonate with them. Next, consider the message you want to convey and how the swag can support that. Don't forget to choose high-quality materials that reflect the values of your brand. Finally, make sure the design is eye-catching and memorable. By carefully considering these factors, you can create swag that truly elevates your brand and leaves a lasting impression.

How Can Companies Effectively Budget for Unique Swag Without Compromising on Quality?

To effectively budget for unique swag without compromising on quality, start by prioritizing your branding goals. Did you know that 85% of customers remember the brand associated with promotional products? Now, think about what message you want to convey and the impact you want to make. Consider investing in high-quality, durable merchandise that aligns with your brand image. Additionally, explore cost-saving options like bulk ordering or partnering with a reliable supplier. Remember, quality swag is an investment that can elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression.

What Strategies Can Be Implemented to Maximize the Impact of Distributing Unique Swag to Target Audiences?

To maximize the impact of distributing unique swag to your target audience, consider a few strategic approaches. Firstly, ensure that the swag aligns with your brand's identity and values. This will create a lasting impression and reinforce your message. Secondly, personalize the swag to make recipients feel special and valued. This can be achieved through customizations or limited edition items. Lastly, consider the distribution channels carefully, targeting events or locations where your audience is most likely to engage with your brand.


Elevate your brand and make a lasting impression with unique company swag from Steel Horse Leather. Our high-quality leather bags, backpacks, briefcases, and accessories will set you apart from the competition and leave a positive impact on your target audience. In fact, studies show that promotional products, such as our stylish leather items, are kept for an average of 8 months, providing long-term brand exposure. Don't settle for generic swag - choose Steel Horse Leather and elevate your brand today.

Handmade Leather Bags

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